Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Where does gothic come from ?

Gothic Literature, started by a man named Horrace Walpole. He is the first author to have ever written gothic literature with his novel The Castle of Ortranto.
 Horrace dreamed that he was in a dark castle and creepy castle, and standing on the uppermost banister of a long and winding staircase was a gigantic hand in full armor. This was the inspiration for the first ever gothic novel. The word "Gothic" was invented by writers of the Italian Renaissance who blamed the general “ugly” nature of 15th century art and architecture on people from the northern tribes of Germany barbarian tribes known collectively as “the Goths”.
The typical characteristics of a graphic novel are terror and mystery. Themes of death and decay especially that of the human body, are a big part of gothic literature as well. Ghosts, haunted houses, family curses, and insanity also play a part in gothic literature. They add a sense of suspense and fear. Edgar Allen Poe is considered the "master" of gothic literature with his stories such as "The Black Cat" and "A Tell Tale Heart". A more modern gothic author would be Stephen King. For example his short novel Christine and the movie The Shining are considered to be pure Goth. It just goes to show that gothic literature has not died and is still relevant in today's society. 

(Source: Eerie Books)

How gothic can be associated with romance!

Taking place in the Romantic era gothic romance came into affect.
The first person to come up with this idea was author Horace Walpole's "The Castle of Otranto." 
The setting of the book took place in a haunted castle which contains various and intensifying appearances of fear. The writings soon started to spread around the world to Eugene Sue from france to Edgar Allen Poe in the united states. 
During this movement during the romantic era many people rejected the enlightenment idea between balance and rationalism. 
Many of the readers anticipated the hysterical, mystical and horrified passionate adventures of the heros and heroines. 
The modern horror novels and women's romance novels both derived from Gothic Romance. 


What comes along with the term of gothic ?

There are many gothic materials within the story of Frankenstein, the author of this book is Mary Shelley who uses vivid images and moods to describe the story piece by piece Shelley uses many elements such as rain and thunder during Victor's monster that he created. Another really gothic image is the way the monster was created (with other human limbs) these discriptive images really are dark and evil sounding. After the monster is created, Victor has terrible images of Elizabeth dying in his arms, and maggots start to come out of her body. I think the main gothic elements simplified are the emotions and overall feelings of gloom and despair throughout, the supernatural and the tragedy.

When we look at Shelley's piece of literature we see a lot of dark elements to this book, and these can be easily picked up throughout the book because of images that are easy to spot .

Thursday, April 28, 2011

what frankenstein is really about ?

In Frankenstein, author Mary Shelley successfully uses the Gothic Genre to evoke feelings of dread, disgust and horror in the responder. The Gothic novels are called "tales of terror" which explore powerful extremes of emotions, the unknown, the supernatural and focus on doom, destiny and fate. Frankenstein is a historical Gothic text that knowledgeably stays true to the genre through a variety of gothic conventions.


A Gothic Novel is a story in which supernatural terrors and an atmosphere of mysterious horror infiltrates the action. Often the setting is dark and menacing, to reflect the mood of the novel. “Frankenstein” is a good example of a Gothic novel. Written in 1816, by Mary Shelley, “Frankenstein” has become one of the most widely known examples of romantic literature and Gothic novels to date.

The novel is about a young Swiss student (Victor Frankenstein), who discovers the secret of how to create life. Frankenstein carefully assembled body parts of human corpses in the hope of creating something beautiful. But on the contrary, he creates a monster that disgusts him. Rejected by his maker and society, the monster vows revenge on the human race, and more importantly, his creator – “I vowed eternal hatred and vengeance to all mankind”.

Read more: http://bookstove.com/science-fiction/is-frankenstein-a-gothic-novel/#ixzz1Kqp5DJme

What is Gothic literature?

Gothic is simply just explained as a genre with particular significance for women, almost as its out for female it has a tendency towards female writers and readership, but also embodies a peculiarly patriarchal nightmare in which violence is continually enacted on the female body.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

How simple is Romanticism?

After awhile when righting about the period of Romanticism you ask what more can you say about it? It isn't as big of a topic as some of the others however it still contributed to this era.  In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein things as simple as the monsters reaction to the sound of  the singing birds or it's relationship to nature was a part of romanticism. Funny how while writing this I started thinking what made the monster a male and not female? We know what makes human a male or female but  what happens in this case? Anyway that's a different story but as for the early century romanticism it could be seen in almost anything if really looked for.