Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The 19th Century British Empire


Jefferson becomes US president
Volta makes first battery
1801Irish act of UnionFirst censusConcordat between Napoleon and PoleGauss develops his Theory of Number

Peace of Amiens
Charlotte Dundas: First Steamship
1803Suppression of rebellion in Ireland; Wellesley defeats Indians in Maratha WarForms new Anti-Napoleon coaltionLousiana PurchaseBeethoven's Eroica SymphoneyDalton's Atomic theory
First Corn LawHaitian Independence
Trevithick's first steam rail locomotive
Nelson wins Battle of TrafalgarAusterlitz; Mehemet Ali becomes Pasha of Egypt


Napoleon's continental system
Beaufort's scale of wind velocity
1807Prohibition of shipment of slaves in British ships or to British colonies

Hegel's Philosophy of History

Spanish uprising against French; Wellesley lands in Lisbon

Cobbett imprisoned for criticising flogging in the army

Samuel Sommering's electric telegraph
1810Seizure of Cape Colony

George III insane; Luddites smash spinning and weaving machineryEgypt: Mamelukes overthrown by Mehemet Ali

1812War of 1812PM Spencer assassinatedNapoleon's Russian campaignGrimm's fairy tales
1813English East India company loses monopoly

Jane Austin's Pride and prejudice

Treaty of Ghent ends war

1815Receives Cape Colony and naval bases at Congress of Vienna; British East India Company take Ceylon from the DutchWaterlooEnd of Napoleonic war; Congress of Vienna

1816The Zulu king Shaka comes to power
Congress of TucumanBritish museum acquires Elgin MarblesStethoscope invented
Habeas Corpus suspendedMonroe becomes US president

1818Shaka forms Zulu kingdom

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
1819Raffles founds SingaporePeterloo massacreUS purchases FloridaSchubert's Trout quintetMacadamized roads developed; The Savannah is the first steamship to cross the Atlantic
George IV becomes king
Scott's Ivanhoe
1821Sierra Leone, Gambia and the Gold Coast are combined to form British West AfricaFamine in IrelandMexico and Peru gain independence; Napoleon dies on St. HelenaQuincy's Confession of an Opium EaterFaraday invents electric motor
1822Discovery of a Tea bush growing wild in India ends Chinese monopoly
Liberia founded for freed US slavesRosetta stone deciphered by ChampollionFirst Iron Steamship sails
1823Daniel O'Connell forms Catholic Association, First Anglo-Burmese warRugby inventedMonroe doctrine
Rubberized cotton developed by Macintosh

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony

Java War
Stockton Darlington railway
1826Straights settlement; Penang, Malacca and Singapore
Seku Ahmadu conquers TimbuktuJ. F. Cooper's Last of the Mohicans
1827joint Anglo-French fleet defeats Turks at NavarinoPM Canning diesFrance intervenes in AlgeriaDeath of Beethovenphotographs produced on a metal plate
1828The Hindu BrahmoSamaj sect established in IndiaDuke of Wellington becomes Prime MinisterQueen Ranavalona rules Madacasgar
Dutch manufacturer Houten develops the chocolate bar
1829Western Australia founded; abolition of Suttee in IndiaCatholic Emancipation; Police foundedJackson US presidentBraille inventedStephenson's Rocket
Lord Grey PM, William IV KingFrance takes Algeria

Cholera epidemicGreek Independence
Darwin begins Beagle voyage
Reform actAmerican Indians forcibly resettled
Morse invents code
1833Abolition of slavery throughout Empire, Falklands annexed

1834Tolpuddle martyrs transported to AustraliaWorkhouses established

1835Boers start Great TrekRailway Boom

1836South Australia becomes a province
Texas independent from MexicoChopin's 24 Preludes
1837Patriot War Rebellion in CanadaQueen Victoria starts reign June 20thPadri War, Dutch sack Sumatran fortress of Bonjol
Electric Telegraph invented. Euston becomes London's first railway station
1838First Afghan war starts (1838- 1842); Myall creek massacre in NSW; Battle of Blood River in South Africa; First Canadian railway starts operatingPastry War between Mexico and France
Screw propellor invented
1839First Opium war in China (1839-42)Anti-Corn law, ChartistsMehemet Ali defeats TurksFaraday's theory of electromagnetism
1840Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand, Canadian provinces act of Union, Ndebele found MatabelelandVictoria marries Albert, first postage stamps
First bicycle
1841Hong Kong established, Livingstone arrives in Africa Peel PMSaid ibn Sayyid makes Zanzibar his capital
1842Treaty of Nanking, US/Canada border agreed, Kabul garrison annihilated in Khyber pass, Brooke made Rajah of SarawakIncome tax reintroducedFrance occupies Tahiti, Guinea and GabonVerdi's NabuccoFirst use of Anaesthetic in an operation
1843Sind conquered

Brunel's SS Great Britain
Factory acts
Turner's Rain, Steam, Speed
1845First Sikh War (1845-46), Irish potato famine (1845-48)
US annexes TexasEngels' Condition of the working class in EnglandGalvanised corrugated Iron invented, Pneumatic tyre invented
1846Second Xhosa warCorn Laws repealedMexican-US war (1846-48)


Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights
1848Second Sikh War (1848-49)European uprisings; Gold discovered in CaliforniaCommunist Manifesto
1849Gough annexes PunjabNavigation Acts repealedCalifornia Gold Rush
Safety Pin patented; Speed of Light accurately measured by Fizeau
1850Australian Colonies Act Irish Franchise ActTaiping Rebellion
Kelvin's Law of conservation of energy
1851Gold discovered in AustraliaGreat Exhibition at Crystal PalaceFall of French Second RepublicGreat ExhibitionGreat Exhibition
1852Second Anglo-Burmese War (1852-5), Livingstone crosses Africa (1852-56), Transvaal IndependentAberdeen PM

1853First railways and telegraph in India
Commodore Perry arrives in Japan with a US fleetVerdi's La TraviataHypodermic syringe invented
1854Eureka rebellion in VictoriaCivil Service formedCrimean War (1854-56); USA forces Japanese to start trading
John Snow proves cholera is a water borne disease
Palmerston PM; Livingstone is the first European to see the Victoria falls
Telegraph's Crimean War coverageMendel's discovery of laws of heredity
1856Oudh annexed, Second Chinese Opium War (1856-60)Victoria Cross established
Flaubert's Madame Bovary publishedFirst refrigerator ship, synthetic colours invented
1857Indian Mutiny (1857-58)Indian Mutiny">
Trollope's Barchester TowersTrans Atlantic cable completed
1858East India Company dissolved, Burton and Speke discover Lake Tanganyika


John Brown at Harper's FerryJ.S. Mill's On LibertyDarwin's Origin of Species, Oil pumped in Pennsylvania
1860Kowloon leased from China, Taranaki Wars in NZ (1860-70)
Garibaldi's red shirts start Italian Unification
Bessemer's mass production of Steel
Death of Prince AlbertAmerican Civil War (1861-65), Russia abolishes SerfdomEliot's Silas MarnerPasteur's Germ Theory of disease
American Civil war results in the steep reduction of cotton supplies which in turn forces many mills to close
French start to colonise Vietnam
Football Association formed, Salvation Army startedEmancipation of US slaves
Maxwell's theory of electro magnetism

Red Cross foundedJules Verne's Voyage to the Centre of the Earth
Russell PMLincoln assassinatedLewis Carroll's Alice's adventures in Wonderland, Wagner's Tristan and Isolde
1866Livingstone's third journey in Africa (1866-73)Derby PMKu Klux Klan started in US
Nobel invents dynamite; Mendel published his research into Genetics
1867Canada becomes a Dominion; Diamonds discovered in South AfricaSecond Reform ActUS buys Alaska, Meiji restoration in JapanJapanese art exhibited in Paris
1868Abyssinian campaignGladstone PM, TUC formed

Traffic signal in London, Helium discovered
1869Suez Canal opened
Tolstoy's War and Peace finished
1870Rhodes arrives in Africa, Cable links Australia and Londonelementary education actFranco-Prussian war; Schliemann discovers Troy
Periodic table developed by Mendelev
1871Stanley finds Livingstone; Vancouver and British Columbia join CanadaTrade Unions become legalParis Commune; Wilhelm I emperor of GermanyVerdi's Aida performedPullman introduces the Sleeper car
1872Earl Mayo, Viceroy of India is murderedSecret ballot introduced

Vacuum flask, air brakes, typewriter and colour photography are all invented
1873Royal Canadian Mounted Police formed
Dutch suppress revolt in Sumatra: Acheh war (1873-1903)Tolstoy's Anna Karenina
1874Gold Coast becomes colonyDisraeli forms government
First Impressionist exhibition
1875Britain buys Suez canal shares; Fiji islands annexed; Prince of Wales visits India; New Zealand parliament formed
French republican constitution passedBizet's CarmenBell patents telephone
1876Victoria becomes Empress of India; Famine in IndiaPlimsoll line introducedBattle of Little BighornBrahms' first symphony
1877Last Xhosa war; annexation of Transvaal
Russo-Turkish war (1877-78)Tchaikovsky's Swan LakeEdison invents Gramophone
1878Cyprus gained; Second Afghan war (1878-1880)Salvation army establishedCongress of Berlin settles Balkan crisisGilbert and Sullivan's HMS PinaforeChannel tunnel attempted
1879Zulu war; Anglo-French control over EgyptGerman / Austo-Hungarian Dual AllianceIbsen's The Doll's HouseFirst Tramways in Berlin
1880Borneo and Brunei become protectorates; Rhodes founds De Beers; Ned Kelly hanged in Melbourne; first boer war (1880-81); Kruger becomes president of TransvaalGladstone's Midlothian campaignPasteur discovers Streptococcus bacteria; First electric street light in New York; Charles Lavern proves that Malaria is caused by a parasite in the blood.
1881Mahdi war in Sudan (1881-98)Irish land and coercion actsJewish pogroms in East Europe; Alexander II assassinatedNietzche's AuroraElectricity exhibition in Paris
1882Occupation of EgyptPhoenix park murdersTriple Alliance
First hydro electric station in US

Krakatoa explodes; Germans take SW Africa
1884Berlin conference to discuss colonisationThird Reform act; Fabians establishedSino-French war (1884-85)
Rayon's artificial fibres
1885Gordon killed in Khartoum; Indian National Congress formed; Canadian Pacific railway completed; Burma fully occupied; Gold discovered in TransvaalBelgian Congo under LeopoldDaimler and Benz build automobile; unique quality of fingerprints established
1886Royal Niger Co. Charter; Colonial and Indian exhibition; Gold discovered in TransvaalGladstone resigns over Ireland; Chamberlain forms Liberal UnionistsSlavery ends in Cuba; Tunisia becomes French protectorate

1887British East Africa Co. charter awarded; Zululand becomes protectorate; First colonial conferenceVictoria's Golden jubileeBoulanger fails to gain officeConan Doyle's Sherlock HolmesRadio waves discovered by Hertz
County Councils formedFrench Indo-China formed; slavery ended in Brazil; Wilhelm II emperor of GemanyVan Gogh to ArlesDunlop's pneumatic tyre
1889British South Africa Co. Charter awarded; Rhodesia establishedLondon Dock strikeJapan's Meiji constitution; Italy takes Somalia and EthiopiaEiffel Tower completed
1890Heligoland ceded to GermansParnell resignsBismarck dismissed; German control over East African territories; Indians massacred at Wounded KneeDeath of Van Gogh
1891Australian demands for Trade protection and unification
Trans-Siberian railway begun; Germany develops first pension schemeGaughin travels to Tahiti
Gladstone's fourth ministryFranco-Russian alliance

1893Matabele war; East African protectorate; Women's suffrage in New ZealandIndependent labour party formedFrench colonise Ivory Coast, Laos and GuineaTchaikovsky's Sixth symphony; Dvorak's New World Symphony
1894Uganda becomes protectorate; Jameson occupies MatabelelandRosebery PMSino-Japanese war (1894-95); Tsar Nicholas II; French take MadacasgarRudyard Kipling's Jungle bookEscalator lifts (US); Manchester ship canal completed
1895Jameson RaidSalisbury PMJapan takes Taiwan; Cuban rebellions beginOscar Wilde imprisonedCinema, safety razors, wireless telegraphy and X-rays all invented
1896Famine in India; Sudan war (1896-99); Kaiser telegram to Kruger; Matabele Revolt Brutally suppressed (1896-97)Olympic games started; Nobel peace prizes started
Radioactivity of Uranium discovered
1897Victoria's Diamond Jubilee; destruction of Benin city; uprising on North West frontier
Dreyfus affair
Thomson discovers electrons; aspirin marketed; diesel engines invented
1898Omdurman and Fashoda in Sudan; Curzon viceroy of IndiaSpanish-American war; Germany's Tirpitz planZola's J'accuseCuries' Radium
1899Boer war (1899-1902)Boxer rebellionZeppelin invents his airship

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