Thursday, March 24, 2011

Definition of Romanticism.

Romanticism is a mix of beliefs about art and life--sometimes called a "philosophical movement"-- that started to become popular, especially in England and Germany, around the late 1700's. Both the American (1776) and the French (1789) revolutions happened around then--so change was in the air.

Romantics generally believed:

1) that imagination was the greatest thing a human was capable of (as opposed to reason)

2) in addition to imagination, a human's ability to feel and express emotion was also very, very important, and both emotion and imagination were necessary for great art

3) that nature could be a healing power, a safe escape from society, or the subject of art, and was best described in sensual, emotional language. (While the rationalist/Enlightenment view of nature was scientific--nature could best be described as a system of mechanical laws.)

4) that the interior journey of the self was very important.

(Source: Brooklyn College)

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